My first 20 days.

Last Update: February 16, 2010

How to make $1000 a day in 20 days. Yeah okay. I didn't buy that one either. I got something better. WA! I have been a member of WA since January 27, 2010 and I have not earned a nickle. Just joking. I really have not accomplished anything that would earn me a nickle. Ahh...some day! I am however overjoyed at the plethora of resources in WA. It just boggles my mind when perusing the sheer enormity of what WA offers! As a person who felt an affinity for IM and thought I had a good handle on how to earn money online, what I have learned first and foremost is that I knew very little. But that's okay. Because had I continued down that path I would have joined the frustrated legions of "former" internet marketers who threw in the towel after floundering for several months. Instead I am digesting, reading, re-reading and learning what I am sure will help me have a successful career as a Wealthy Affiliate. I sleep, eat and drink this stuff. My wife is tired of hearing about it so I'm now telling my kids. I don't think they get it, in fact, I know they don't but you know what they do get? Their Dad is excited! And that excitement is but one of the many elements that will drive my success. This is my first blog post. My first of many to come. I am now ready to be a part of the community. (You have to stop reading at some point!) We all arrive at this juncture eventually. The one where things start to make sense and you don't feel quite as frustrated or confused. Things begin to click. Suddenly what I thought I knew and then found out I didn't, is all starting to make sense. The proverbial light bulb has been lit! Now I have to get involved in the community and let people know I am here. Get some guidance. Something I had forgotten while re-reading PPG's amazing tutorials several times over! I am happy I made the
decision to join and I look forward to growing more and more each day. After all, isn't that why we are all here? To seek, to learn and to utilize what we learn for our own and our families enrichment? I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings! 

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