IM candy for everyone.

Last Update: February 17, 2010

Coming to the close of a very long day of studying and implementing what I've learned. It was a great day. Time flies!  After far too long a delay, I finally posted and began this here blog. That was yesterday. Today I studied the forums and made some great connections.  Immersed myself in actual experiences and inspiration. Felt the gravitational pull of my hopes and dreams, took a short break, and got right back on it.  I resolved to actually set some goals and tasks and actually did it. Without a full day of analysis and fretting over getting "it" perfect before actually starting "it" at all!  And at the behest of some great new information I also posted in the forum. I was community minded today. And once again profoundly amazed as I learned and soaked up more and more. The wealth of information here in WA is truly phenomenal. There is so much IM candy here we might all end up with cavities! The best part however was being welcomed many times over from the likes of Kyle and Carson, to the newest of newbies. Community feels good!

Today is day 21 since joining. In reality it is day two. Day two of using tools and taking action. Day two of actual progress. It feels good to be moving FORWARD--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

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