Posts by VladS 2
February 17, 2010
Coming to the close of a very long day of studying and implementing what I've learned. It was a great day. Time flies!  After far too long a delay, I finally posted and began this here blog. That was yesterday. Today I studied the forums and made some great connections.  Immersed myself in actual experiences and inspiration. Felt the gravitational pull of my hopes and dreams, took a short break, and got right back on it.  I resolved to actually set some goals and tasks and actuall
February 16, 2010
How to make $1000 a day in 20 days. Yeah okay. I didn't buy that one either. I got something better. WA! I have been a member of WA since January 27, 2010 and I have not earned a nickle. Just joking. I really have not accomplished anything that would earn me a nickle. Ahh...some day! I am however overjoyed at the plethora of resources in WA. It just boggles my mind when perusing the sheer enormity of what WA offers! As a person who felt an affinity for IM and thought I had a good handle on how t