Posts by Will23 11
Today I read the blog of the day from an obviously disappointed and soon to be former member of WA.  It really spoke to me because the way he feels brought to memory many of my own feelings when I was just about to call it quits with the whole idea of internet marketing. I did all kinds of things trying to find a way to make money. I've tried sales, MLMs, adwords, and dozens of internet marketing programs.  All to no avail. I was so frustrated at what I saw. I would go to a great sales
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April 21, 2010
I promised myself I wouldn't do it. But I did.  I started off like a bandit, with all these grand ideas that I started, but never finished.  I set an impossible schedule for myself that offered me little time for much else. So it is no suprise to me that I've been a member here for almost two months and in my opinion have made much less progress than I thought I would have made by now.  Don't get me wrong, I can now create a simple website with Weebly and Site Rubix, I've been wri
April 03, 2010
Just wanted to share....  I was having trouble with using Rapid Writer. All morning I was looking through previous forum posts for help, I tried finding tutorials, but nothing. But after posting my specific problem in the WA forum and waiting about 45 minutes, I had my answer!  I've only posted on the forum a few times, but each time I have, the replies have come quickly and without sarcasm! I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me. It really means a lot, and the forum really makes
Been busy writing...and writing...and writing! It's slow going trying to get my articles indexed. I've been kinda focusing on learning my industry. I mean, I know it pretty well, but I've been learning new things, and visiting other sites to see how they set their information up.  I hope to eventually make a website specifically for my niche, but I'm in no hurry to do that.  I will see how well my squidoo lenses do and then make a decision about a website.  It's funny. I thought I
March 13, 2010
I set up my first few lenses and I know there were some steps I skipped. I wasn't so concerned with doing everything exactly right as I was getting something out there. So now that I have seen how the steps flow together, I just want to get started on another topic.  Once I get that topic out there, I will slow down a bit. I'll go back and tweak my original topic and fix some of the things that I'm sure will reveal themselves shortly, LOL. Usually I wouldn't be in such a hurry to start a se
I have a product picked out, did some keyword research, and now I'm ready to start making some lenses!  I would write more, but I'm eager to get started. Wish me luck!
March 10, 2010
I took an unexpected break today. I was a little afraid to do that, thinking my momentum would be compromised. But instead I find myself eager to start up again! I guess a break every now and then is okay.  So of course this is a short entry. Be back tomorrow!
I know that it sounds kinda audacious to call myself an internet marketer with a whopping 4 days as a member here. But it really helps me focus on what's going on here-I am building my skills in my chosen profession. I now say I have three jobs-loan processor, delivery driver, and internet marketer.  I don't think it's too audacious to label myself as an internet marketer. I mean, think about it. If I were to get a job as a cashier, my title is cashier the first day I clock in. I may be in
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March 08, 2010
Don't you just love those "aha!" moments? Those moments when things just fall into place just like they're supposed to? Well, I had one of those this morning.  I was going through the training and part of it was to compile a list of "high level" industry niches. Thirty in all.  Then I was supposed to take one of those and drill down to ten smaller niches. At first when I read the task, I was thinking that I'll never be able to come up with ten targeted niches. But I
March 07, 2010
Ah, another day! I woke up and immediately grabbed my computer. I need to re-read everything I read yesterday about market research. Just trying to find a few niches I can research. Then I can narrow it down and maybe even start some key word research before the next lesson in the action plan becomes available.  Such good information here! And after each tutorial, I try to find some posts in the forum for further explanation. So many people are so well versed in so many aspects of internet