starting over again

Last Update: April 21, 2010

I promised myself I wouldn't do it.

But I did.

 I started off like a bandit, with all these grand ideas that I started, but never finished.  I set an impossible schedule for myself that offered me little time for much else. So it is no suprise to me that I've been a member here for almost two months and in my opinion have made much less progress than I thought I would have made by now.

 Don't get me wrong, I can now create a simple website with Weebly and Site Rubix, I've been writing more so the quality is getting better, and I kinda sorta know how to make a good squidoo lens.

 But the name of the game is internet marketing, and I haven't done much marketing at all.  

So I'm starting from scratch. I've put my two sites on hold right now. I don't want to get rid of them because I think they have promise. But I'm getting down to basics. If I'm going to eat this elephant, I gotta do it one bite at a time. So I've cancelled many of the subscriptions that have been flooding my email inbox, distracting me. I'm done with all these other methods. I'm concentrating on the bum marketing method and Pot Pie Girl's squidoo tips.  I'm putting in a little bit of work each day and making better use of my time.  

So here I go! With a new energy and laser guided focus into getting the fundamentals down and growing my knowledge and skills bit by bit.  

I would say wish me luck, but I think this time, I'll make my own luck!

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cld111 Premium
Oh yea, I think we've all been there! There's so much to learn and SO many ways to do things that it can get confusing. Plus, you're so excited, you just want to do it all NOW. (Speaking from personal experience.) You'll get through that phase, and things will start falling into place more and more. Good luck!
Louise M. Premium
Good!! It's very good to learn from your own mistakes and take action wisely. You're back on track and ready to do what it takes step by step. You'll make it man! :)