I am an Internet Marketer!

Last Update: March 09, 2010

I know that it sounds kinda audacious to call myself an internet marketer with a whopping 4 days as a member here. But it really helps me focus on what's going on here-I am building my skills in my chosen profession. I now say I have three jobs-loan processor, delivery driver, and internet marketer.

 I don't think it's too audacious to label myself as an internet marketer. I mean, think about it. If I were to get a job as a cashier, my title is cashier the first day I clock in. I may be in training, but I'm still a cashier. I just wouldn't have much experience. Same thing with calling myself an internet marketer. Sure, I've made a little bit of money online, but I don't really have much experience. 

 Anyway, just thought I'd share. Gotta get to work. Like Will Rogers once said, "even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

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JaredB Premium
I like the positive self assurance. Nice post, internet marketer!