Light Bulb Moment...

Last Update: March 08, 2010

Don't you just love those "aha!" moments? Those moments when things just fall into place just like they're supposed to? Well, I had one of those this morning.

 I was going through the training and part of it was to compile a list of "high level" industry niches. Thirty in all.  Then I was supposed to take one of those and drill down to ten smaller niches. At first when I read the task, I was thinking that I'll never be able to come up with ten targeted niches. But I picked one larger niche and I couldn't stop at ten! Then I looked at my list of broad niches and I picked another, and did it again!

 I don't know if my smaller niches will even be profitable yet. But in my several previous attempts at internet marketing, trying to come up with a targeted niche was akin to pulling teeth.  But the article about getting started in research along with a few other tutorials made it seem so simple. I was doubting my ability to come up with a list until I actually did it. I guess that's the first big lesson I've learned so far, on my third day as a Wealthy Affiliate member. All the reading in the world cannot make up for taking some action, regardless of how little.

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