Published My First Squidoo Lens!!

Last Update: October 29, 2009

Yahoo! I finally completed my first Squidoo Lens.  I'm relieved to have accomplished it.  Since I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my writing, I already noticed some errors, but I just wanted to get it published so that I could say I did.  I will edit it more another day. 

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Revelation Premium
Good stuff! Keep going!
Skybound Premium
Great stuff! Well done. I hope to be able to say the same thing very soon.
Just so you know, you can edit your lens a million times if you want, and re-publish it a million more. That's sort of what the RSS feed is for, to update changes in real time for anyone searching for your site. I think they might even encourage small, regular changes to keep the lens fresh. Good job :-)