Wow, did my Member Rank Plummet Today!

Last Update: January 02, 2010

Yesterday I believe my Member Rank was 256 if I remember correctly.  Today it's way down to 4510.  It's probably because I haven't done a lot on WA in the past couple of weeks, but to drop that much overnight is surprising.  I started laughing at my own fall.  I still don't understand how the Member Rank is determined.  I was surprised that I was in the upper 100's for so long.

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Skybound Premium
Mine too. It's probably because the rankings take account the previous month or two and you weren't especially active during Nov - Dec. That was true for me anyway. Could also be due to the change of year.

I used to take a bit of notice of the ranking, feeling quite pleased with myself for gaining position. But, as Brain says, it doesn't really matter. It can become a bit of a distracton. I played a game with it a while back, posting frequently on the forums, adding to my blog, editing resources, writing up my goals, reading tutorials... all of which I suspect play a part. I don't think it's down to forum posting alone. But ultimately the only ranking that really counts is the one that affects how you see yourself. As long as you're always number one, you're on the right track.
amazing1 Premium
Member rank is determined by your activity or lack of activity in the forums. Just stay involved in the forums welcoming new members and you will see what I am talking about. I was just away from my computer for a few days over the holiday and I went down, not by the amount you did but it went down a few points. Now today I posted over 30 welcome messages so I am sure tomorrow will be different. Anyway, I hope that helps. Actually, being in a better ranking does nothing for your bottom line other than it could get you more noticeable in the forums and thus you will be accessed more for questions etc. That activity can help you create a little network of people that will be willing to look at your information opportunities and more. What do you thnk? I am Brian from Oregon. If you do not mind I will add you as a buddy. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.