First lens

Last Update: January 30, 2010

I finished the draft of my first lens. I am finding it difficult to load pictures.
I keep getting an error. I want to get opinions of it so I can edit mistakes
and put in better content, however I think I will just submit it and see if
what I ahve done works and ask some folk to provide some insite to ways
I can improve it.

We got our first snow were I live in SC last night and continuing through
this day. Looks nice, I don't think it will last long though.

Ever learning, and looking for momentom to the next level.

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TraceyC Premium
Well done Abundantlife!! I am just finishing up the lens tutorial now and am itching to make my first one too! I'm only a day one newbie but hasn't PotPieGirl got the instructions for lens image loading in the intro vids?