Posts by CathyLou 10
April 25, 2012
There is always a new ‘shiny’ online. New products, new trends, new offers, new training, new techniques... and they all seem too good to miss out on! It makes it very difficult to focus which makes it very difficult to actually succeed... I came to a realisation yesterday. There are ALWAYS going to be these new shiny things to distract me. I'm not going to 'miss out' on my 'one and only opportunity' to succeed because there ISN'T just one. The more I flai
April 15, 2012
The Quest for the Perfect WP Theme is ongoing.  I thought I'd found it yesterday, however, for some reason I couldn't get Adsense to work.  Since I just discovered that I have actually been making money on Adsense for the last 6 months (how embarrassing! I didn't realise until just now), its kind of essential.  I really LIKED that theme... I’m pretty excited about the Adsense earnings.  Its not enough to reach the payout threshold yet, but I will be work
April 08, 2012
Its been a while!  I've been amusing myself with my new J.O.B. and sporadically keeping tabs with what was going on with my campaigns.  I kept checking Google Analytics to see how they were going and I noticed that one of my sites was consistently getting a fair amount of traffic.  I've been intending to do something about it for a month or so but just kept putting it off.  Funny how it works, its hard to break the habit of inaction.   Anyway, I have discov
September 12, 2011
Well things have been incredibly hectic. I've gone from having all the hours of the day to myself to do whatever I choose to having no time at all! I haven't been able to spend much time on IM... I wrote an article the other day and made a weebly site to support one of my sites. At least I have a great job which pays better than my last one! I'm also studying, so I am prioritising that somewhat over IM. I'm so glad my sites are still doing ok... though no more sales. I'm trying to have a look at
August 07, 2011
Wow! What a change! It looks like I am going back to work on Wednesday at a really nice company in one of the nicest places in Brisbane. I got a job! Hurray! It will be full time, but only for six months. I also just got a student to tutor, and also a contract to do some start up admin work for a law firm. I want to keep on internet marketing as well. I won't have as much time though, so I'm going to concentrate on promoting my existing campaigns. Particularly the ones that have already made sal
August 06, 2011
I've been mulling everything over and I've come to a decision. I need to learn more about promoting my sites! I realise I've been procrastinating by thinking up awesome new ideas, finding excellent keywords and then... spending hours labouring over content for my site/s/lense and then... not much! I've been trying to ignore the promotion side of things. So far it is the part that I find most tedious and hard to get a grip on understanding exactly how it works. I also don't want to have to write
So after thrashing about like a drowning monkey for a while trying to MAKE my websites and lenses sell things, I decided to take a break.  Sometimes taking a break is great - you get to rebalance and center yourself and all those new ideas and concepts fall into place (somewhat).  Instead of the do or die approach I have been taking to internet marketing, I'm now opting for a more holistic (and realistic!) attitude. It takes so much pressure off! In the short term, I have taken a job
The Google Dance was getting me down yesterday. I checked all my lenses and OWM campaigns over the weekend to see where they were at. I was surprised to find a couple were ranking at number 6 in google. It made me decide that I should revisit that campaign and work on better and more content and also build more relevant backlinks through blog comments etc.   Anyways, I worked flat out on totally revamping two lenses, made a new side branching one and am currently improving the stuffing out
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I  think I am trying to do too much at once. I have the 30 in 30 article challenge,OWM, PotPieGirls 1000th post method, the Step by Step Action Plan, methods from the WA forum gold posts and Success in 30 days challenge. Phew! I am quite busy!   I have had an epiphany however as to why my campaigns thus far have not been successful (with only one tiny exception). I liken it to trying to fit a square peg in a round hole or something like that. My keywords are great - low competition, re
May 11, 2011
Hello! This is my first blog post. I signed up here at WA last night on a bit of a whim. I've been using OWM by PotPieGirl for a little while now. I had my first ever sale last week! Very exciting stuff.