An Update

Last Update: April 08, 2012

Its been a while!  I've been amusing myself with my new J.O.B. and sporadically keeping tabs with what was going on with my campaigns.  I kept checking Google Analytics to see how they were going and I noticed that one of my sites was consistently getting a fair amount of traffic.  I've been intending to do something about it for a month or so but just kept putting it off.  Funny how it works, its hard to break the habit of inaction.


Anyway, I have discovered that I have actually made it to Number 1 on Google for my main keyword.  Thats pretty exciting!  I am now working on making my site better - upgrading my content, my email list, and getting connected through Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.  Its a bit of a general key word, so I don't really know how I will monetise it at this stage.  I'm just excited to be Number 1 and I want to make sure my content is worthy of that ranking!


I've also been going through my other campaigns and noticed a few things that I had wrong.  Its really easy to not think things through when you are just starting.  In one particular campaign I realized that I was trying to sell guitar lessons to someone who wasn't even sure if they were going to learn to play. 


I'm glad to be back.  I haven't forgotten as much as I thought I would - in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if things have sunk in better.  I am going to take it slowly this time round and learn as much as I can about this IM stuff.  I don't have any pressing deadlines like when I first started and I won't be putting huge amounts of pressure on myself to achieve.  I've achieved some great things already!

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CathyLou Premium
Thank you for the comments everyone! So much of IM is done solitary you can feel like you are in a vacuum sometimes. I'm glad you've gotten some value out of my somewhat rambling blog posts :) Oh and thanks for the idea Praise. I am looking into it.
Countrygirl47 Premium
Hello CathyLou it does sound like you are doing a great job. Thank you for your blog it has some good information and your thoughts have helped my thoughts for today. I think that I will start a few campaigns between today and tomorrow myself. I did not understand what the Google Analytics was used for, but now I understand a little better. Thanks again for the blog and I am glad you are back!
Praise Premium
Idea: Place a survey on your website to gather information from your visitors. The survey may also be fun and interesting for your visitors. Also, it may increase the time your visitors spend on you website as it engages them for a few more seconds.
Behealthy Premium
It's all about having the belief for some of us right? The thing that make a lot of people give up I think is the lack belief in their own abilities. When it does manifest, as it is in your situation Cathy it's almost a surprise.

Keep on keeping on.

Well done on the number one spot.