Took a Break - Made a Few Sales

Last Update: July 30, 2011

So after thrashing about like a drowning monkey for a while trying to MAKE my websites and lenses sell things, I decided to take a break.

 Sometimes taking a break is great - you get to rebalance and center yourself and all those new ideas and concepts fall into place (somewhat). 

Instead of the do or die approach I have been taking to internet marketing, I'm now opting for a more holistic (and realistic!) attitude. It takes so much pressure off!

In the short term, I have taken a job on WA, signed up for homestay students (pays pretty well for room, board and transport to and from school), started applying for short term jobs, part time jobs and government jobs and taken up Business studies. 

I realised one thing today, that really frustrates me about IM. I keep finding out about my sales days and weeks after they actually happen. I don't login to all my affiliate accounts as regularly as I should and when I did this morning... Surprise!!!! You made a sale 2 weeks ago. This has pretty much happened with all my sales.

I'm at sale number 3. I sold some Mothers Day flowers in May, an expensive bean bag and a Clickbank product in July. So I'm doing pretty well this month!

My goal is to double my sales next month! Lets sell 4 things!





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CathyLou Premium
Thank you for your supportive comments Labman! You made me think about this in a different way. I'm obviously doing something right, because I have made sales. Now I just need to build on that and drive more traffic. :)
Labman_1 Premium
If you have sales after being here for 2 months, you are doing pretty well in my book. It took me almost 9 months to hit that milestone. Celebrate the small victories. Congratulations.