First Post

Last Update: May 11, 2011

Hello! This is my first blog post. I signed up here at WA last night on a bit of a whim. I've been using OWM by PotPieGirl for a little while now. I had my first ever sale last week! Very exciting stuff.


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CathyLou Premium
I think my first sale was more luck than anything else sadly! I'd gotten so used to seeing a zero balance in my account I actually didn't notice for a few days. Then I was like... no way, that can't be right!

I made a sale! WOW!
cujoe4562011 Premium
hi Cathylou, thats great, i can't wait to get where your at also, i joined couple dayz ago, doing the step by step task's and trying to come up w/a domain name, ok c ya hope to be friends and help eachother out sometime in the future...
Labman_1 Premium
Congratulations on your first sale. The first one is the best.