Posts by Charles6686 7
April 19, 2010
Last week was a bit of a daze for me... A lot of things happened with regards to my personal and family life, I got some work finished with WA, but not as much as I would've liked. However, it did give me some time to re-assess my strategy and figure out what I need to do next. Ever since I joined WA, I've been really intrigued by their affiliate program and I've been working hard to form a campaign around it and get it up off the ground.   No dice so far, I am staying optimistic though!&nb
April 12, 2010
It's official!  My 6th week at WA, complete! Looking back on last week, I'm very excited at all the work I finished.  I completely redesigned my web page (fresh new look! haha) and completed around 10 more articles.  All in all, I'd say it was a fairly productive week. I still don't have the hang of setting up my own email responder, but I think that will come with time.  People are telling me that most responders cost money, and that is understandable... but I've got things
April 05, 2010
Week five ended up being a bit of a rest period for me, haha. As it turns out, last week when I submitted articles to EZA, every single one of them got rejected!  This had me pretty frustrated, and I decided to take a break from it all and re-evaluate what I was doing.  After asking for help in the forums, as well as sending EZA a few "what gives?!" messages, they finally responded and now I'm working on getting back on track. I just finished writing another article, and hope
March 29, 2010
Four weeks in, and things are looking up! I'm going to be honest, this first month has had me both excited and anxious many times over. Through out it all, I've had days where I thought "yes, things are going my way, I'm doing everything right... taking the right steps, I'll see results in no time". And of course, there have been days where I thought "can I REALLY do this?  Is it really possible?"  Doubt was heavy on my shoulders, but I knew I wouldn't get any fathe
March 22, 2010
Whew, Week three finished! I spent most of my time this week concentrating on finishing up my website (still not finished).  It took a little longer than I thought it would, but I'm glad I took the extra time to make it look as clean and professional as possible.  Though it may not be the best looking website in the world, I'm proud of the work I did, and I plan on getting everything finished up by the end of today. Once that's over, it's time to start writing more articles!  I'm
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March 15, 2010
Two weeks in, and I'm finally seeing progress! Just last night I wrote my first article, and my plans today are to at the very least get a website template up and running so I have some place to direct my articles to. My biggest issue this week was figuring out which website I wanted to submit my articles to.  Shoot, at the beginning of the week, I didn't want to submit them at all... I just wanted to run my own websites and submit to those.   I decided to wait on that method, as I am
March 08, 2010
All I can say is, wow... do I have a lot to learn.  It seems as though the more I read and learn from the material here on WA, the more questions I have after wards.   I'm not implying that this is a bad thing.  In fact, it's only helped to solidify my resolve in terms of seeing this through.  Each day I've been setting goals, even if they're small, and making sure I stick to them. For example, my tasks for today are to get a website up and running (apparently the WA servers