Progress: 2nd Week

Last Update: March 15, 2010

Two weeks in, and I'm finally seeing progress!

Just last night I wrote my first article, and my plans today are to at the very least get a website template up and running so I have some place to direct my articles to.

My biggest issue this week was figuring out which website I wanted to submit my articles to.  Shoot, at the beginning of the week, I didn't want to submit them at all... I just wanted to run my own websites and submit to those.  

I decided to wait on that method, as I am still very new to this, and give EZA a try.  I say that because up until recently, I wasn't sure I wanted to submit to them... I'd heard many negative comments from other members regarding their articles being rejected/deleted by EZA.  That didn't sound like something I wanted to be a part of, but after seeking help through the forums, I feel much more at ease about it.

Speaking of the forums, the help I've been receiving has been SO appreciated.  I'm a lot farther along now than I would have been if not for the help of the other members.  Once again, to everyone who has taken the time to help me out... you've done so much, and I appreciate it.  Even if you haven't helped me out directly, you have indirectly by posting to the forums so newbies like me could gain insight from it!

My goals for this week are to have a website up and running, and to have enough articles by the end of the week to kick off my first campaign!  I'm very excited, and can't wait to see what the future brings.  I'm still on track to attain my goal of the first sale by the end of the month!

As always, I'll keep blogging here week by week, keeping everyone posted on my progress and experiences.  

By the way, to anyone feeling discouraged and/or like giving up, read this quote from Carson...

"Sure, you may not be making profits now, but if you give up, you have ZERO chance of being in a better place down the road."  Think about that for a second, so simple, and so true!

If you feel like quitting, just think of that quote, and before you know it, you'll be where you want to be!

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