Progress: 4th Week

Last Update: March 29, 2010

Four weeks in, and things are looking up!

I'm going to be honest, this first month has had me both excited and anxious many times over.

Through out it all, I've had days where I thought "yes, things are going my way, I'm doing everything right... taking the right steps, I'll see results in no time".

And of course, there have been days where I thought "can I REALLY do this?  Is it really possible?"  Doubt was heavy on my shoulders, but I knew I wouldn't get any father if I simply gave up, so I've kept going.

It's the start of my fourth week here at WA, and I have a finished website up and running, and seven articles submitted to EZA (two more on the way!).  I've read from a couple different places in the forum that it's best to try and write at least an article a day.  I usually have Mon-Wed to myself, so I've decided to write two a day on each of those days.  I think that'll get me in a good groove.

I just read one of Eddy's blog posts about how you should really focus on delivering quality information to the consumer.  That is what will make my business grow.  Without loyal consumers who can respect what I'm doing, I won't get anywhere... so reading his blog really helped me re-focus on what I need to do.

As far as my goals go, it doesn't appear that I'll make my first sale before the end of my first month here... but I'm not stressing over it.  Looking back on all that I've learned and accomplished, I know the sales will eventually come.  All I can do now is continue learning and applying and I know everything will work out.

As always, thanks to everyone who has helped and encouraged me along the way.  Things are starting to get exciting, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

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