Progress: 1st Week

Last Update: March 08, 2010

All I can say is, wow... do I have a lot to learn.  It seems as though the more I read and learn from the material here on WA, the more questions I have after wards.  

I'm not implying that this is a bad thing.  In fact, it's only helped to solidify my resolve in terms of seeing this through.  Each day I've been setting goals, even if they're small, and making sure I stick to them.

For example, my tasks for today are to get a website up and running (apparently the WA servers are down though), and to then continue learning more about keyword research.  

When I first joined, I thought "okay, I'm going to be making money in no time".  That was a week ago.  Today, I'm fully aware that this is a process that takes time and dedication.  My goal is still to have my first sale by the end of the month, but for completely different reasons than when I first set the goal.

When you're first hired at a new place of employment, it takes time to pick up on the skills and techniques necessary to becoming an effective employee for that company.  It didn't take long for me to realize that my experience here at WA is no different than getting a new job.

I'm not going to learn everything over night, but as long as I make sure I'm progressing in some way each day, I'll be there in no time, and be all the more happy about it.

Of all the information I've read, I would have to say the best piece of advice I've picked up on is making sure that you take action.  Like many, I have a tendency to try and wait for the "perfect conditions" before starting something... which in turn leads to "analysis paralysis", or in much simpler terms, inaction.  

It's advice like that which has kept me working towards my goals, not to mention help from fellow members such as Roy Penrod, Chris-A, and cwclem34... I owe many thanks to you guys.  

If there is anyone I missed, please know that your help is very much appreciated.  Once I get my footing with all of this, I will definitely return the favor.

Best of luck to everyone!



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