Social connections

Last Update: June 16, 2012
So, I have been busy setting up and adding friends to the different social websites I have signed up for.
I have been reading on how to "find" more connections, but I figured I would start here, and ask fellow WA affiliates to "Friend" me :) In return of course I will "friend you".
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BIS Premium
Hi Michelle
When I worked in education one of the areas I managed was adults with specific learning difficulties and disabilities, I also regularly delivered staff training on all sorts of conditions including autism and Asperger's. I also have two nephews who have the condition (one autism, one Asperger's), I don't currently write about it,

Best wishes

sparkle1973 Premium
Hello Michelle, a nice warm welcome to WA! Hope you find success with us~ wish you all the best.
ClickChick Premium
Thank you :)
BIS Premium
Hi Michelle
Nice to meet you and welcome to WA. Happy to follow. I read your profile and I too have an interest in Autism. Look forward to getting to know you.

ClickChick Premium
Do you write about Autism as well? I just wrote an article about the removal of the Asperger diagnosis.