Posts by ClickChick 6
June 19, 2012
I finally got around to adding Photo's to my Photo blog, LOL. A little ironic :)It's a little tedious, resizing everything, renaming, and then placing. BUT I finally added a LOT.I would love for you to check out my photo's and also give any advice on the website.Check out my Website! I think for 2 weeks, it is coming along nicely :)
I have created a 20 question little quiz on the features of a camera. I am collecting information to enhance my website. I am specifically looking for people who only casually use a camera, so that I can create a vocabulary that anyone can use and look up. I think one of the problems with looking up a definition for technical camera terms, is not knowing them in the first place, so I want to create a list of commonly used names for these features, to make looking up a certain feature more atta
June 16, 2012
So, I have been busy setting up and adding friends to the different social websites I have signed up for.I have been reading on how to "find" more connections, but I figured I would start here, and ask fellow WA affiliates to "Friend" me :) In return of course I will "friend you".
So, I have been working on my website, and a lot of the terminology is new to me. I have heard about RSS feeds before, but actually implementing one and getting it on my site (You know the cute little button) I am lost. I know I will find the answer eventually :) There is just SO much information on this site, I find myself re-reading a lot of it.BUT, I have made progress, My website is looking good, I have my accounts at google, FB and Twitter set up, Wrote my first 2 articles on street article
1 comment
June 04, 2012
One step at a time right? I may be spending more time on some steps then others have, but I really want to make sure I do this right. I have wasted too much time saying "One day I'm going to do this"!Well I finally am, I am finally creating a website about something that I love!So far, even though I am only a few days into the training, I find the information invaluable. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to start a website, but have gotten so lost in the marketing aspect of it
Day 1- Confused, yet excited. I am hopeful that I have finally found not only an outlet for all the ideas running around in my head, but also a way to generate an income for my family. Today I signed up for the 10 day trial, and I am currently chatting with a couple of people in the chat on WA. My husband is skeptical, but Im not :) I will just have to prove him wrong :) So today I completed the 1st day training. I am trying to pick a name for my 1st domain. I will have a few, as I have top