Busy Busy Busy !

Last Update: June 19, 2012
I finally got around to adding Photo's to my Photo blog, LOL. A little ironic :)
It's a little tedious, resizing everything, renaming, and then placing. BUT I finally added a LOT.
I would love for you to check out my photo's and also give any advice on the website.
Check out my Website! I think for 2 weeks, it is coming along nicely :)
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Ezshop24 Premium

I am developing a new affiliate marketing tool that I was wondering if you would like to download and try for free (no charge). The software is still in the beta phase. I have not had the time to create the help file yet. I spoke with Kyle and he gave me the okay to offer it to a few people. I took out the WA references in the software and call it Affiliate Marketing Power.

One of the reasons I wanted to offer it to you is that I noticed your website is photo intensive and I have a few photo options built into the software (photo filters). I hope you will try it and feel free to continue to use it if you find it helpful. I wish you success on your website,

Here are some screenshots: http://www.flickr.com/photos/80419021@N08/7366130842/in/photostream/

Here is the download link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/WASoftware/Affiliate+Marketing+Power.exe


jonart Premium
Nice looking app Paul. Does it run on an old Power Mac G4?
Ezshop24 Premium
It is a windows based program...I believe you can run it on parallels for Mac.
ClickChick Premium
Sure, I would love to try it out.
ClickChick Premium
Oh, I run on a mac, and I do not have the program that allows me to run windows applications.
Hello, I have just stumbled upon this website and would like to know more about it and some help in going in the right direction.
ClickChick Premium
First Sign up for the 10 day free trail, this will give you a good idea if this is a good fit for you, and talk and ask questions in CHAT. I have found I get a lot of help through chat.
jonart Premium
Very nice site Michelle....enjoyed going through it.
ClickChick Premium
Thank you :)
veronica.l Premium
Great job, love the pic on your home page. I think you got a great start. I would remove the WA banner and Linkshare banner, it is not really relevant to what you are doing with the photography I would keep the Shutterfly banner since it is highly relevant.
ClickChick Premium
Thanks for the input Veronica. It does look a little out of place.
Shawn Martin Premium
I like how your blog is set up and want to set mine that way. Good job.
ClickChick Premium
Thank you :0