3 Million Visitors a Month

Last Update: June 30, 2012
I just read a cool interview (http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2187666/From-0-to-3-Million-Monthly-Visitors-Learn-One-Mans-Proven-Strategy) with a guy who owns a site that gets 100,000 visitors a month.

If you don't feel like reading the article, here are the takeaways:

Key Takeaways

  • Don't forget about building an e-mail list.
  • Create evergreen content to keep a steady flow of traffic.
  • Don't just write content for the sake of writing it. Write remarkable content that helps solve a problem.
  • Use the AdWords Keyword Tool, SEMrush, and other tools to build out a database of keywords for you to pull ideas from.
  • Don't forget to use exact match when doing your keyword research.
  • Cain didn't focus on link building, he let his high quality articles bring in the links naturally.
  • Google+ isn't a total disaster. Cain's site is a perfect example of Google+ working for someone.
  • Double down on your successes with other forms of social media, such as YouTube.
  • Focus on the content first. The other stuff will help bolster your great content.
By the way, it took him over 8 years to get there. The first 8 years he was the only one who wrote the content. Now he has 10 to 15 writers.

If you've read this far and have not read the interview, go read the damn thing, it's short and to the point. If you've read it, you know that how he chooses topics to write about is awesome, easy to duplicate.

My conclusion, he's making loads of money because, it seems, of 2 reasons: 1) he cares about his readers, he adds content that solves/addresses specific problems, apparently, 1 per article and 2) he cares about the niche/industry/topics his site is about.

PS Did you notice that he never said 'I'd sit down and worry about how the heck am I going to come up with 300 words for this keyword?'

PPS Did you notice that he never said anything like "To maximize my time and efforts, I'll write 300 word-articles only?"

So, what do you think? Would you like 3,000,000 visitors a month to your site? (Being a Saturday morning, I had some time, so I did a little math for you. Cool math, for sure. Here it is:

10% of 3,000,000 is 30,000
1% of 3,000,000 is 3,000
0.1% of 3,000,000 is 300

On my mortgage adsense sites, I have conversions between 4 and 14.30 something percent, average is around 9-11% over a long period of time. I make $.4 to 3.5 a click, average $1.89.

If I had 3,000,000 and my average clicks and pay per click revenue, I'd be making (9% with $1.89) $510,300 a month, if my math hasn't failed me.

Conclusion? Damn! Damn! I say, damn!

So, given whatever it is you're selling and your conversion rates, what would 3 million visitors a month mean for you?
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tport144 Premium
Thank you for sharing! The article has a lot of valuable information. It's interesting how he doesn't focus on link building strategies. The earnings potential of 3 million visitors a month is staggering!
kyle Premium Plus
I hope the idea of writing quality content that is helpful to the readers is NOT a big reveal to most, but this is the path to enormous amounts of traffic and a wonderful brand...one in which people will come back to your site without you asking them to and one in which they will share your content with their friends.

How you monetize traffic once you have it is up to you, but at the core of all success is doing something that helps your audience and being likeable. The rest is just a matter of fitting the monetary pieces together.
WayneBPK Premium
Thanks for sharing .. this is some powerful info!
lionseye Premium
Thanks, that's a great article. I think his conclusion sums it up perfectly. "Quality is the only sustainable strategy."
veronica.l Premium
How cool is this :) Love the numbers!!