SEO Blogger: Optimize Your Posts As You Write

Last Update: June 27, 2010

Whether you blog about business, politics or the hot topic of the moment, SEO Blogger allows you to find the most sought-after keywords for your subject without ever leaving your blog editing screen. The tool sits alongside whatever blog publishing software you're using so you can do keyword research and optimize your posts as you write. Then, simply hit "Publish" – and you're done!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Dusan, Just in time. I'm about to write a blog on blogger. Definitely going to use this tool. Thank you. J.
Carrie Premium
I can't wait to try this out on the next article I write. I've just discovered your blog and am working my way through it now. You have so much here. Thanks for sharing! Gold coming your way, DABK!
Quokka Premium
Nice find! I just installed it, looks good, easy to use and it gave me keywords google didn't find :-)
ana_nimoss Premium
I donated all the gold I have to thank you for your trouble helping me out the other day. It was really nice of you, and people like you make me want to continue stay on here. I am still pretty busy with my kids, but I am going to try your recommendation soon. Thanks again!
DABK - you are always so generous with your knowledge! thank you for sharing the cool things you find. As a newbie to IM I find your posts REALLY helpful! thank you!!