About Carrie
Joined June 2010
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Togrul Premium
Welcome to WA Carrie :)
FatWallet Premium
Hello Carrie, Welcome to WA!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Carrie Premium
I forgot to say that I need some serious "friend" love. Send me some! We can help each other, perhaps? Or at least cheer each other onward.
Carrie Premium
I finally followed PotPitGirls link to the WA website and decided I was ready for the next path of my online journey.

Why the balloons? I want to have fun! Yes, making money is fun, but even more than that is the self-satisfaction of choosing a road and following it until it makes your life even better.

I enjoy learning new things and love it when I see others in growing into their potential. By profession, I have been a teacher. By love of the game, I have had several avocations, many of which made money in one way or another. My hope is that Internet marketing will prove another positive venue.

For the past months, I have written articles for Associated Content, Demand Studios, a few for eHow before they discontined their program and Suite101. I would be happy to share my experiences there, as well as a couple of other places that I tried for awhile.

So, hi to all of you here, and best of luck in your endeavors here. I look forward to reading about your experiences.
