About Davekid
Joined March 2010
Hello all my name is Dave, I live in Vancouver B.C. Canada.
I am a fulltime printer of garments, and other products. Such as umbrellas you name it we pretty much print on it. I am also an Artist by nature meaning I draw paint and sculpt when I have the time which these days I don't, I also love music and have worked within the industry as a sound engineer and rodie for several local bands over the years.

I have joined WA to become a top Marketer and gain the finacial freedom to get back to the things I love to do rather than the things I need to do to get along with life. Well thats all for for me today have a good day and may your sales be high.


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babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Dave, it's nice to meet a fellow Canadian here at WA. A very warm Welcome to you. Congratulations on taking another step to "Owning Your Life" Just imagine, Freedom to do What you Want, When you Want and With Who you Want!!! Wishing YOU All the Best! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
*Thanks* for your warmed hearted friendship, Marty :D
davekid Premium
HEllo there Yes you most certainly can add myself. It will take sometime but one day at a time... Thanks for the Chat.. Have to go do some learning and studying..
Wootton Premium
Hey thanks for the love, I have to make a vid on every one of the suckers. I have my work cut out but it will be a great site by the time I am done. I hop to see you there when I am done.

davekid Premium
Hey there Just add I am thrilled to of been introduced to WA and have added a new Blog Check it out could you and let me know what you think. I'm going at this really slow but am in it for the long haul, I have allot to learn and put in to practice. Thanks will chat soon. DK
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Dave, Welcome to WA!
davekid Premium
Hello all as a Printer and artist I thrive on Creativity.
Im going to bring these talents into my Iternet Mareketing Buisness here with WA. Good day to you all and may you have a Great Success in your buisness adventures.