You have to be In it for the Long Haul.

Last Update: April 03, 2010

 In It for the long Haul.

Well good day to you all. First thing this week has been crazy for me. Although I would of loved to have been sitting at home working on my new company. I had to go and work at the J.O.B its all good. 

It really gave me time to realize what my best bud told me. I will call him R for now as I don't want to get him pissed at me. Although I know he won't mind, but you know how that works. When you find out someones said something about you or used your name when it's true . But they just don't like it.

Well a little on R, he has been doing IM for sometime, and also runs his own Web page building company.  When he's not out on the road Playing in one of his bands. He is very success full at all he does. But like life it takes time and hard work. 

So R I said I am involved in this Company called Wealthy Affiliate have you heard of it, no he says so I sent him the link in my email task. He got back to me and gave me the best advise. That well I needed to hear.  You have to be in it for the long Haul.  He was not trying to scare me, but give the truth about Internet Marketing. He said everyone wants to make the fast buck but it does not work that way. You really need to know about marketing and producing pages or articles that help people not sell them something for the fact of making cash grabs.

He said straight up. it's going to take a good year of learning and trying different techs. Before you'll see a real return on your efforts. Use all the tools and ask for help from your contacts and buddies . I was a little upset but it is true. If your not in it for the long haul and willing to do the leg work then you won't keep going.

R really helped me cause well who does not want to just jump in and start trying to make Money right. Of course we do.  I have allot to learn to I said to him he said look at it this way. Your back in school WA is perfect for you just keep working away at it and for the really techy stuff ask for help or call me. 

That's what I like about WA everyone is willing to help out and give a hand.

I am in it for the Long Haul and just wanted to give a shoutout to those that might be feeling like they are not getting anywhere. 

Thanks Kyle for the Comments and Carson for the Hey how are ya.  You guy's are providing a service like no other and I can only say Thanks. 

Have a good week everyone and remember the help is out there when Your stuck. 

Cheers for now.


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Ezinewriter Premium
Very good advice you where given by "R" here! When people read that so and so is making thousands upon thousands of dollars, what people don't realize or what is NOT told is that there are hundreds of hours upon hundreds of work that that that person had to put to get there.
yearnintoearn Premium
Hi Davekid - good recommendations in your blog. I know I thought it would be a quick learning and then some quick moneymaking. One thing I learned really quickly is just how difficult it can be if you have little to no knowledge of the internet and how to work it. I am glad that the experienced are saying to stay with it and expect to be in it over the long haul. Everything I read says it is possible to make full time money if you work at it. Look forward to hearing from you again and sharing lessons learned. Best of luck, Cindy
Seedz Of Hope Premium
This is true. It takes time for things to really manifest into reality.

Hard work,Patience and Motivation through times of failure and hardship will bring true results of real success online and or any en devour we set our minds to accomplish.

Thanks for the input on the real advice and truth.

Do checkout out my blog. Any feedback would be great. :)

Make it a great day.
kadcpp Premium
I think perhaps you received some advice that was how should I put this SPOT ON! There is now such thing as continuous fast money. Nice post and advice.