Just getting started. Day one of the rest of my life.

Last Update: March 27, 2010

http://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wap/93371/images/daves pictures 29 daves web pic.jpg" />

Hello Everyone welocome to my first blog.

   I am new to this, and am to say a little nervous. I was introduced to WA through a friend and have taken the time I have had to read over a bunch of material. I am overwhelmed at the amount of material. My friend knows alot more than me but has was not part of WA but yet said this is the way to go.  I signed him up for a month.

  I could not believe that he was not part of WA. I in turn have given away my first sale by doing so.

Not the best way to start. But Karma can be a good and bad thing too all.  I am going to start the training program today as today is the begining of the rest of my life. I will add to my blog later today to let you know how it is going. Cheers for now and good day.


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JaredB Premium
Welcome and good luck. The best way to start is to find a specific tactic that makes sense to you and work that angle while you learn more. This is not my original idea, but I heard it somewhere and it worked for me!
david420 Premium
U've made a wonderful decision :), WA is PACKED with awesome info :), don't forget to put what you learn into action tho (my failure for like the first 2 months, even tho i was told to :P)
Slugger_mn Premium
Hey, that is a good way to start out(: Keep at it, and keep learning!
davekid Premium
Well all I have been at it all day and man allot of reading and learning. need to step back and let it sink in. cheers for now.