Posts by Davekid 2
 In It for the long Haul. Well good day to you all. First thing this week has been crazy for me. Although I would of loved to have been sitting at home working on my new company. I had to go and work at the J.O.B its all good.  It really gave me time to realize what my best bud told me. I will call him R for now as I don't want to get him pissed at me. Although I know he won't mind, but you know how that works. When you find out someones said something about you or used your name when
Hello Everyone welocome to my first blog.    I am new to this, and am to say a little nervous. I was introduced to WA through a friend and have taken the time I have had to read over a bunch of material. I am overwhelmed at the amount of material. My friend knows alot more than me but has was not part of WA but yet said this is the way to go.  I signed him up for a month.   I could not believe that he was not part of WA. I in turn have given away my