Posts by Deborahmaree 12
June 08, 2011
Watch this, this is my crazy parrot "Boofy" Yesturday, yes I was bored, but it is funny.
Hey Guys, I though I would blog about my new site that is for sale, infact I built it today. This is the add I put up i jobs if anyone is interested please pm me thanks Deb.   Hey Guys, I have just researched and built a new  WP website, in-fact it was built today the 9th of June 2011. This is a niche site with a lot of potential. The domain is KW rich The main exact KW is .......... How to speak italian  - 6600 visits per month, 424 comp I have thrown
What To Do Next Hi everyone this is most certainly not a "BITCH" it's more to find away to answer my questions. Yes, I do ask a lot of questions, for that I am sorry,but you don't ask you don't learn. Any way I have put several questions out in the forum and sent private messages and no body seems to be able to answer them. May be my questions are too hard.  So where do I go to get the answers if I don't get a response, I have had 3 jobs on the job board for at least 6 months
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" ATTENTION NEWBIES" If You Want TO Learn  Something Ask "LOTS" Of Questions, Or You Will Never Get Any Where.   Hey Guys, I haven't blogged for a while, but today I have a good reason for it. I want ed to say to all the newbies, "my self included as a newbie". I am not so new to WA, but VERY new to IM. Anyway, through all the questions I have asked over the last year and especially to all the people I have driven MAD in the last 4 weeks or so, I 
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SHORT AND SWEET................................ Thanks to Jen, Pot pie girl and her amazing teaching skills I put this lens together in 1 hour. I had NEVER looked at squidoo before, as I built a website for my first campaign. So please take a look and lots of feedback would be appreciated if I could on how I can improve it. http:// So a message to all the newbies just chip at this it all EVENTUALLY falls in to place.
Hi guys, I'm confused the minute my finger goes on the submit button this sight takes my articles , and they get ranked higher then  I do , almost at top at 1st page BUM MA. I would not mind but, no where on the article/page can I find my name or links. What do you think I should do?  Curious to see if this has happened to anyone else! HELP We have a hijacker!  
Dear WA world, I feel unloved, and unappreciated . I 'm  in love with,  GOOGLE, yes the god, that's the 1, and  UNFORTUNATELY don't know how to make him love me, or just notice me a little more! He just keeps teasing  me , he lets me get on his front page SOMETIMES,but usually way down the bottom in 8th position. Do you know how frustration that is? I try to compete with all the others he loves above me, BUT his just not interested. I'm falling apart, and running out of ide
Well YES it can- ill tell you how!   FIRSTLY, I want to STIPULATE one thing, WA and it's members are second to none. I'm EXTREMELY thankful to each, and every one in this forum that has given me help........................................PLEASE DON'T STOP. Now the point I'm getting to is this, Lets by honest here I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, probably an IQ of 40............that's being VERY generous. HE HE HE: My best asset is my big mouth, and I think there would be a lot of q
Well guys, this is where I'm at today, So far if you have read my other blogs you would know I'm new at IM, I have built a sight, and now making some sales! Most would think I'm doing OK.... Hears the thing : I keep hearing the words 'PINGING , and BACK-LINKS" so I think to my self I must need to know about these things as I'm sure there important!  I posted a few questions,  reed a couple 100 questions and replys. No still don't get it.   I'm impatient
Hi Guys, I'm overwhelmed , not only from the response on my blog, but the amount of PM s i have received.This is the reason i am making a new blog, i think this message is important to not only newbies, but others that have been doing this for a while, and are not really getting anywhere. The other day a close friend asked me, Deb do you really think you cold be successful at this internet stuff? I laughed. So to answer the question, What is the real definition of success? Success is measured on