Don't Ever Be Embarrast To Ask To MANY Questions

Last Update: December 07, 2010


If You Want TO Learn  Something

Ask "LOTS" Of Questions, Or You

Will Never Get Any Where.


Hey Guys, I haven't blogged for a while, but today I have a good reason for it. I want ed to say to all the newbies, "my self included as a newbie". I am not so new to WA, but VERY new to IM.

Anyway, through all the questions I have asked over the last year and especially to all the people I have driven MAD in the last 4 weeks or so, I  HAVE TO MENTION 2 IN PARTICULAR, "Welshy"  and  "Darbk"  I have driven these 2 guys insain i'm sure with my questions about learn SEO in a more advanced way  and other things about WP. Well It finally payed off,1 of my sites hit page 1,

position 3 without quotes, AND  this is with a good late in the buying stage KW. What is my point here? With out being obvious that I have a smile from ear to ear, DON'T stop asking  questions because you feel embarrast ,or a PEST this is the only way you will get to where you want to go .

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jatdebeaune Premium
Excellent advice! And congratulations too. I'm giving you gold for persistence and breaking through.