Well Any Thing Is Possible Now, I just Built A Squidoo Lens In Under An Hour.

Last Update: March 28, 2010

SHORT AND SWEET................................

Thanks to Jen, Pot pie girl and her amazing teaching skills I put this lens together in 1 hour. I had NEVER looked at squidoo before, as I built a website for my first campaign. So please take a look and lots of feedback would be appreciated if I could on how I can improve it.

http:// www.squidoo.com/STOP-severe-anxiety-disorder-IMMEDIATELY

So a message to all the newbies just chip at this it all EVENTUALLY falls in to place.

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mlinleysr Premium
i looked at it and i liked it; i just wonder if you had received any hits or sales from it yet? how are you going to market it? thanks, mike
thulsey Premium
Great lens.
Deborahmaree Premium
Thanks appreciate your input,Any help doing that would be GREAT
mlinleysr Premium
where is the link to look at the squidoo page? trying to find it
Wootton Premium
i read and rated your page a 5 star and left a comment. I have 2 suggestions, less text more pics in different spots with borders. i am not trying to be butt hole just a suggestion in making your lens awesome! If you would like to look at and rate mine its link is

If it gives you any ideas ill type up the html for you and give it to you!