I LOVE Google, And I Just Can't Seem To Make Him Love Me- HELP I'm Falling Apart!

Last Update: March 07, 2010

Dear WA world,

I feel unloved, and unappreciated . I 'm  in love with,  GOOGLE, yes the god, that's the 1, and  UNFORTUNATELY don't know how to make him love me, or just notice me a little more!

He just keeps teasing  me , he lets me get on his front page SOMETIMES,but usually way down the bottom in 8th position. Do you know how frustration that is?

I try to compete with all the others he loves above me, BUT his just not interested. I'm falling apart, and running out of ideas. So far what have I done to impress him is this:

I have written  45 unique articles I thought he would love, they contain: 

1/  High density. and mostly consist of 500 plus words. Ezine has passed me from the very beginning with only about couple of  hick up's, so I know I have the right  ingredient's, least I think I do.

2/ 2 -  Anchor links in bio.

3/ Title has keyword in it.

4/ I have 157  places that my site pings to.

5/ I submit in 254 places.

6/. I submit to 30 book marking places.

7/ I have SEO on my site, and filled in correctly with key words.


What does he want from me, My PR rank is NA............................... I'm a no body! How can I get GOOGLE to love me?

ANY suggestion to help a broken heart would be GREATLY appreciate.





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kemanS Premium
You are doing everything right, this stuff just takes time. Google does not quickly hand out the PR. You may want to let this site sit and simmer a while like the man suggested.
Then, get some backlinks from other sources.
You could start on another site too, then come back to this one.