Posts by DkWinter 6
If you read my "Great Expectations" blog post you know that one of the main things I am going to focus on this year before I do anything else is getting organized. One of the things I wanted to help me do this was some sort of task management. So I started looking for some task management software and I happened to find one that I liked. It’s called HiTask and you can find it at The free version will let you create all the tasks in the “to do list&rd
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March 23, 2012
Here is my bucket list for 2012. These are just some of the things that I came up with off the top of my head and that are more marketing related. It's not so much a plan as simply things I want to accomplish. I will flesh out a plan to achieve these goals, but I won't post that here. As I fulfill each of these I will go marking them off. So keep coming back and see what I’ve accomplished. =) First Clickbank sale one sale in a week two sales in a week 3 sales in a week fo
Hey, fellow WA’rs! How’s it going? One of my goals for this year was to be more active within the Wealthy Affiliate community. I also wanted to make a goal of going to the 2013 Wealthy Affiliate Super Conference and right around that same time Kyle announced the new qualifications for the WA Super Conference Incentive Program. What perfect timing! As I write this, I have to be honest and admit that it is a little embarrassing for me. Why? Did you read my previous post? If not, go r
March 27, 2010
I just created my first Share Zone tutorial. It is a video tutorial that covers every aspect of using Site Rubix. I hope it will help a lot of people.  You can take a look at it here:   
February 12, 2010
I just realized yesterday that the images in my WA Space section are finally working. Now I'll have a picture to go with my name, instead of being known as "No Image" lol :P  Now all I have to do is get a picture up for my forum posts. If I understand correctly I'll have to upload a picture to an image hosting site. I have an account with ImageShack so I'll probably go do that now.   I know most people probably aren't exited about that, but my profile pictures got messe
December 13, 2009
It's DO or DIE! No more messing around. In 2010 I will be FREE!! Before the year ends I will be making my "Braveheart" post. Frrreeeeeeeeeddddddddoooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So look for it.     
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