Great Expectations - What's gonna happen in 2012!

Last Update: March 21, 2012

Hey, fellow WA’rs! How’s it going?

One of my goals for this year was to be more active within the Wealthy Affiliate community. I also wanted to make a goal of going to the 2013 Wealthy Affiliate Super Conference and right around that same time Kyle announced the new qualifications for the WA Super Conference Incentive Program.

What perfect timing!

As I write this, I have to be honest and admit that it is a little embarrassing for me.


Did you read my previous post?

If not, go read my previous post now and come back here.

Embarrassing right?

Two years later and I haven’t made that “freedom” post.


Why? I’ll tell you.

Lack of ACTION. Yep, pretty much I’ve just been lazy. I get distracted way to easily and don’t spend my time doing what I should. It seems like I’m busy, but I don’t get a lot done.

So one of my main goals is to get organized.

I’m going to set up a monthly, weekly, and daily plan to accomplish my marketing goals.

In a short while I will be sharing some of the tools/tool I will be using to help me do this.

Instead of talking about my goals like I originally planned I decided to make a “bucket list” for 2012.

A list of a bunch of marketing and non marketing goals that I would like to accomplish. As I achieve them I will mark them off so you can follow along with me.

I have a lot planned that I will be sharing with you. :)
I’ll be making posts hopefully a couple times a month with progress, tools, training, and other things I can share that will hopefully help you along your marketing journey.

I’m going to work my tail end off this year and I’ve got great expectations. So I hope you’ll follow along with me as I share my successes and failures with you.

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