My 2012 Bucket List

Last Update: April 06, 2012

Here is my bucket list for 2012. These are just some of the things that I came up with off the top of my head and that are more marketing related. It's not so much a plan as simply things I want to accomplish. I will flesh out a plan to achieve these goals, but I won't post that here. As I fulfill each of these I will go marking them off.

So keep coming back and see what I’ve accomplished. =)

First Clickbank sale
one sale in a week
two sales in a week
3 sales in a week
four sales in a week
five sales in a week
six sales in a week
seven sales in a week
one sale a day
two sales a day
3 sales a day
four sales a day
five sales a day
$100 in a week
$200 in a week
$300 in a week
$400 in a week
$500 in a week
$600 in a week
$700 in a week
$100 day
$200 day
$1000 in a month
$2000 in a month
$3000 in a month
Purchase House
new laptop/ipad for wife
new computer for wife
new computer for me
new laptop/ipad for me
Pay off Credit Card
Pay off Car
Jeep for wife
Jeep for me
lose 5 lbs.
lose 10 lbs.
lose 15 lbs.
lose 20 lbs.
read 1 book
read 2 books
Create a product
Go to Wealthy Affiliate Super Conference


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