Getting Organized - Staying on Task

Last Update: April 10, 2012

If you read my "Great Expectations" blog post you know that one of the main things I am going to focus on this year before I do anything else is getting organized.

One of the things I wanted to help me do this was some sort of task management.

So I started looking for some task management software and I happened to find one that I liked. It’s called HiTask and you can find it at

The free version will let you create all the tasks in the “to do list” that you want and you can have up to 10 projects.

I like it because I can create all my tasks, have a to do list, I can create subtasks/sublists. You can rearrange the order if needed. You can put a start and finish date. Set the importance of the task.

Another feature I like is that you can record the time spent on a task and then create time based reports. This is good to see where you spend most of your time or if you want to limit the amount of time spent on a certain task.

With the free edition you get 10 projects. These can be useful in organizing campaigns. Say for something like the 30 day challenge/getting started club. Even though there are only 10 that is a lot of campaigns, especially if you are just starting out.

It will divide your tasks up into today, tomorrow, next 7 days, and after a week.

There are several other programs out there as well. You can do a search for something like

task management software
online task management software
free task management software

Those will bring up a lot of different programs for you to consider. HiTask was the one that I found would work best with what I wanted to do.

I know @IveTriedThat suggested in his training to write your tasks/daily goals down on a piece of paper/sticky note. That is good and I’ve done that, but I needed something a bit more flexible. Plus I did all this before he posted his training. :P

What have you used to help you keep on task and organized? Feel free to share.

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