Posts by Dr.bob 9
Reading material-Any good suggestions Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion-By Gary Vaynerchuk Has anyone read this book? What about the book by Janice Redish entitled "Letting go of the words" I am making me a wish list of books that I would like to read. Maybe someone has used books llike these that they can recommend or have some for sale. I love to hold a book in my hand and read so I can put notes it in and underline stuff. Thanks for your input,   Dr. Bob
This my friend is another story from nature and taking the time to try and understand. I gave a longer version of this in a speech to a college class several years ago and it helped many of the students. My dad, what a hard worker he was. In the spring and summer we had to make sure we had a huge garden of many different vegetables. There was a 4 foot high fence that went around the entire perimeter of the garden This was to help keep the chickens out, which lived next door in the chic
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March 17, 2010
I am one that enjoys the lessons of nature and this is one that hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. Here is the lesson: About a week ago my mom brought me 21 dozen fresh farm eggs. They are so much better than the ones you get in the store. At any rate, I got to thinking about this yesterday so I called my mom to ask her two (2) questions. Question 1-How old are the chicks when you got them? Question 2-How long did it take before you saw any fruit, hen fruit that is? I mean eggs? Th
March 04, 2010
I just read a post from another member which reminded me of the following. There are those people who know so much about a subject that they forget where they came from. In other words, some people know so much about a topic that they will use a lot of abbreviations and "short talk" to explain something. However, in most cases, this is not too helpful. Several things I try to remember anytime I teach Microsoft Excel or Access, "Never forget where you came from". If
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February 05, 2010
Two men were given the task of clearing a strip of forest.Upon seeing the job site, one man said to the other, "Impossible, we will never be able to get through all this. It is simply too much." His partner calmly relied, "So then, let us not set out to clear the forest. Rather, let us set out to chop down one tree at a time. Let us focus on one tree then another until we have achieved our goal. We can do one tree at a time." I believe it is the same with WA. T
February 05, 2010
OK. I just joined this week and have seen many roads that one could go down. But which road do I choose? It's simle really to choose which one. Our problem is that in our mind we feel that if we choose one program we lose all the others. It's like haveing several flavors of soda pop in the fridge and trying to decide which one you want. Stop torturing yourself and just pick a flavor that will best satisfy your taste buds at the moment. After all, the other flavors will be there fo
February 03, 2010
Let's say you need a printable view of your computer. Perhaps you had an error message pop up or you want to save a shot of your screen for some other reason. Just do the following to get a complete picture of your computer screen.  1) Either open Microsoft Word or Word Pad 2) Minimize the program you open 3) While the screen you want to copy is in view just tap the PRT SCRN key once (Be aware that the key may say prt scr) 4) Now, the program you minimized in step 2 is on the task bar. just
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February 02, 2010
So, the web site you are on has font that is either too small or too big to read comfortably. Just do the following to fix the problem. To make the font bigger, just hold down the ctrl key and tap the + (plus) sign until you get the size you need. then release the ctrl key. To make the font smaller, just hold down the ctrl key and tap the - (minus) sign until you get the size you need then release the ctrl key. After all, not every web site has an option to increase or decrease the font si
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February 02, 2010
I love to teach and help people learn. Here is a quick tip that may help as you use your computer. Instead of using the mouse to click the back arrow to go back a page, just use the backspace key on the keyboard. Each time you press the backspace key, your screen will go back to the previous screen. Hope this helps. Yes, go ahead and try it.   dr.bob  Be sure to visit my web site at:
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