What Program Do I Choose?

Last Update: February 05, 2010

OK. I just joined this week and have seen many roads that one could go down. But which road do I choose? It's simle really to choose which one. Our problem is that in our mind we feel that if we choose one program we lose all the others. It's like haveing several flavors of soda pop in the fridge and trying to decide which one you want. Stop torturing yourself and just pick a flavor that will best satisfy your taste buds at the moment. After all, the other flavors will be there for later.  

I feel that once you have done your research and have asked for advice from the experts, that one should dive it. Do not get stuck with the paralysis of analysis. If all we do is analyze and make that a full time endeavor, that is all we will get. Just take the road that you feel will best take you to the destination you desire.

Am I on the right track? OK. I am going to choose today which road to take.

Thank you, dr. bob     www.boonslickusa.com

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prodigals7 Premium
Hi Dr. Bob and welcome to the group. You are definitely on the right track and will experience success if you stick with it. I have personally seen it work. Wishing you the best. Tami
jatdebeaune Premium
This probably won't help you Dr. Bob, but I have dessert first. Yes, I agree. Choose the flavor that floats your boat.