Print Screen

Last Update: February 03, 2010

Let's say you need a printable view of your computer. Perhaps you had an error message pop up or you want to save a shot of your screen for some other reason. Just do the following to get a complete picture of your computer screen. 

1) Either open Microsoft Word or Word Pad

2) Minimize the program you open

3) While the screen you want to copy is in view just tap the PRT SCRN key once (Be aware that the key may say prt scr)

4) Now, the program you minimized in step 2 is on the task bar. just click it so as to open it.

5) While in Microsoft Word or Word Pad (Excel or PowerPoint) just do a right click on the mouse and select Paste. (If Paste is not selectable go back to step 3)

6) Now if you need to keep the picture, just go to File on the menu bar and select Save As and give it a name and location and save it.

Any questions? Be sure to visit my web site at:


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prosperity2010 Premium
Thanks for that infomation it was very helpful today. I added you as my buddy today. I hope you don't mind. Please add me as yours. I look forward to see how you progress in the program. Good Luck.