Where is the honey?

Last Update: March 04, 2010

I just read a post from another member which reminded me of the following. There are those people who know so much about a subject that they forget where they came from. In other words, some people know so much about a topic that they will use a lot of abbreviations and "short talk" to explain something. However, in most cases, this is not too helpful.

Several things I try to remember anytime I teach Microsoft Excel or Access,

"Never forget where you came from". If you can do that one thing you will eventually learn to keep the honey on the lower shelf so everyone can get to it. The purpose to answering a question is not to prove how smart you are, but rather, to help another to become smarter.

For instance, in my teaching I often explain the difference between a right click on the mouse and a left click on the mouse. A right click will most of the time give you a menu about the location (or object) you are at. For instance, if you go to your computer background and do a right click on the mouse, you will get a menu on the options for the desktop.One option is "sort by". When you select this you will get an option to arrance the icons on you computer. 

Now, the left click is used to activate a menu or link. In other words, a left cllick will "fire" or open the menu. Any questions? Keep the honey on the lower shelf. Thank you.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Spoken like a real teacher, Dr. Bob. Some people are just show offs, especially when it comes to computer technology. Thank heavens people were patient with me and spoke English. However, even if they spoke Hindi, it was already so foreign, I wouldn't have known the difference. J.