Posts by Eageraffiliate 15
Well, With a little help from Craig, and a lot of cursing, I have figured out how to convert my report to .pdf  and post it to my site.  I even figured out the whole form and list thing with AWeber.  I had so much fun, I posted a travel log report on my travel site. Please head on over to both and to get your free reports.  After looking them over, drop me a line (either here or PM me) to let me know what you think.
I have completed a short guide for other newbies based on my last eight months of plugging away at IM.  It is not merely a rehash of others (though I am sure there are no original thoughts) but my first attempt to order and build a process to get folks through the myriad and overwhelming first months of internet and affiliate marketing so they can get started without breaking the bank.  Having completed this work, I wonder if I should give it away (it is 15 pages plus a cover page, TO
Yesterday was a pretty good day.  I picked up my daughter from college for the Christmas break.  We chatted over what I am working on and she asked if she could help.  I was pleased as punch at her interest, having desired to teach the kids the process for some time now, and look forward to helping her learn this business so she never has to worry about money.  As a ClarinetPerformance major I have thought that there will be some lean times for her down the road, music is a h
It is a start, and I hope to build fast on what I have learned in the last two weeks.  I now have 3 articles up and approved on and 5 new ads on  NOT a big start, but I got it done.  With a lot of help from Craig, I have my first website 95% completed and it is live (I just need to add a few pages and figure out why you can only go through the links once).  All in all a productive several days. The next piece in the puzzle is to add an auto-re
I am very interested in networking with other WA folks that have positive and relevant information to share.  I am focusing on "what works" and am not that interested in "the dark side".  Every endeavour has a dark side and once you go there it is hard to turn back.