Posts by Eugn23 3
January 18, 2011
Just got finished with Day 1 of the Article Marketing Club.  There's a different feeling heading into something like this than with other types of projects you work on online. After thinking about it some more it became obvious.  The reason you are so much more motivated to get going is because your are 1) Part of a selected group and more importantly, 2) You have a guy like Marcus giving you assignments everyday, helping you to stay motivated, answering any questions you might have. I
So, after grabbing books on PPC, reading posts, starting the accreditation course and asking everyone I could if it was the right way to go, I've decided to hold off on PPC. Most everyone I talked to with experience, including Kyle, Potpiegirl, and other members here generally advised me to stay away from PPC when starting out as you can burn through $$ quickly if you don't know what you're doing. So there is now no doubt in my mind, I know it is not the right way to go for now, and will be focu
January 10, 2011
I don't know if anyone will be reading this but I decided to share my insights as I go along here.  If anyone will benefit from these posts, or just connect in general, it will be those people that love to read/research and believe they can succeed, but for whatever reason just can't start going because they feel everything has to be perfect before they start taking action.  Why?  Because that was me before in a nutshell, and I'm making sure that this doesn't happen again.  M