WA Article Marketing Club!

Last Update: January 18, 2011

Just got finished with Day 1 of the Article Marketing Club.  There's a different feeling heading into something like this than with other types of projects you work on online.

After thinking about it some more it became obvious.  The reason you are so much more motivated to get going is because your are 1) Part of a selected group and more importantly, 2) You have a guy like Marcus giving you assignments everyday, helping you to stay motivated, answering any questions you might have.

Its knowing that all the training you are receiving is completely up to date, and even if something feels uncomfortable you do it anyway because you don't want to let Marcus and the WA gang down after saying you would be committed.

So in a sense, you're getting around the whole "people are afraid of uncertainty thing" because you committed to a task, and have Marcus/Kyle/Carson to keep yourself accountable.

Best of luck to everyone in and out of the club, I hope everyone is taking daily action.  Shoot me a comment and let me know what you think!



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