Switching focus from PPC to Article Marketing/SEO

Last Update: January 13, 2011

So, after grabbing books on PPC, reading posts, starting the accreditation course and asking everyone I could if it was the right way to go, I've decided to hold off on PPC.

Most everyone I talked to with experience, including Kyle, Potpiegirl, and other members here generally advised me to stay away from PPC when starting out as you can burn through $$ quickly if you don't know what you're doing.

So there is now no doubt in my mind, I know it is not the right way to go for now, and will be focusing on Article Marketing/SEO.

The good news is, to start out I have a niche I have some knowledge and interest in, have bought a domain, and have setup my Wordpress Express site.  

The niche is health/nutrition related and you could say is a micro-niche within the industry.  There isn't major traffic but there are certain 3+ word keywords that have between 1000-5000 monthly searches. 

Now I'm trying to figure out where to go from here.  I'm looking at which keywords I will be targeting based on the google first page competition, or whether I'm going to just write articles for a bunch of related keywords for ezine even if they aren't driving over 1000 searches a month.

Looking forward to taking action, little by little, everyday no matter what.


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