A fresh start

Last Update: January 10, 2011

I don't know if anyone will be reading this but I decided to share my insights as I go along here.  If anyone will benefit from these posts, or just connect in general, it will be those people that love to read/research and believe they can succeed, but for whatever reason just can't start going because they feel everything has to be perfect before they start taking action.  Why?  Because that was me before in a nutshell, and I'm making sure that this doesn't happen again.  My focus is razor sharp : )

I always thought that I would start easy with Article Marketing/SEO and build my way up to PPC in the future, but something changed recently.  I realized that I was always far more interested in PPC.   Something about the intensity of having to pull a profit while risking your money, efficient copywriting, constant testing and conversion optimization appeals to me.  Hopefully I'm not just being another giddy newbie affiliate marketer who see's $$ and thinks of easy ppc money.  I really want to get good at this.

 I feel like I want to read everything I can get my hands on...but I know I don't want to make the same mistake as last time which was nonstop research/education, and not enough action.

Right now I am reading and familiarizing myself with everything PPC related, while also researching a potential niche to start with.  Along with my regular budget I also have $75 of free adwords credit to experiment with.  

I'll be posting my insights, experiments/failures along the way and I hope to really interact with the people here this time.  You guys all seem to support each other and I want to do the same.

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reid1 Premium
I think we all share the same feelings when it comes to taking action.
That's why we all have each other here for support. Best wishes on your PPC endeavors!
Eugn23 Premium
Thanks for the info jat.
jatdebeaune Premium
Just saw your comment. To answer, I think it is a great tool and use it as well as WA keyword tool and Google KW tool. Market Samurai would be my main tool for PPC. Why? Because it is constantly being updated. It has great information about keywords: estimated SEO traffic, Adwords traffic, CPC, SEO, PPC competition and commercial viability. Helps you to get rid of tire kickers. You don't need to pay for tire kickers. Helps you to zero in on the real buyers. Helps you to beat the competition. Get the free trial and see how you like it.
Eugn23 Premium
Thanks jat. Can you tell me what the advantage is for using market samurai vs the WA keyword tool? I'm not as familiar with these. Is it really worth the investment for PPC?
jatdebeaune Premium
I think PPC is very powerful, especially used in conjunction with organic SEO. Remember, when most people search for something, they look at the organic listings more than the sponsored ones. Go easy spending money on PPC until you see consistent results. It's easy to blow a wad. I spent thousands on PPC, made sales of course, but spent way too much for those sales. You are probably already aware of that anyway. If I were to do PPC now, I would definitely use Market Samurai to get converting keywords. All the best to you. Let us know how it goes.