Enjoy The Ride ... :))

Last Update: August 05, 2010

So I came to blog last evening before I whipped out to the theatre. I was running a little late but I wanted to blog my bit because it's making me feel good and opening me up to other things.

My blog was entitled 'Enjoy the Ride'. It's something I'm commiting to more and more ... yep even the bad bits [lol]. After all, the Stargate crews face scrape after scrape but they don't seem to stop enjoying themselves do they? I think that's why I like them so much ... I'm not a geek honestly ... though actually I quite like geeks, they're usually clever and witty and very funny if you just tune in.

I digress. What I'm saying is, how can you really appreciate the light if you never experience the dark?

So I lovingly scribed my blog and added one of my favourite videos from utube. Yes I know this is child's play but I haven't done it in WA before. So when it was complete I was chuffed, if in a real rush because now I was really late.

Hit Save :) [sigh of satisfaction]

Poof!!! Gone again!!! What the devil? What's up with my broadband?!?!

[lol] Enjoy the ride!

Anyway it was so important I've forgotten what I put in my blog. Back to today's synchronicities.

I went back to Moonvine's How to Set Goals with Pictures today. She has a link to Andy Dooley you might like. I've never met Andy before though I've seen his brother on The Secret. But I was captivated by the image on Moonvine's lens because it spookily reminded of the inspirational music video I'm including here. And I'm looking for inpsirational artwork to somehow include on my blog ...which is still in the germination phase ...

Oh MY! I Loved Andy! I'm sooooo glad I went to his site. His artwork's just great ... brings a real smile to your face, as does his short video on the home page. If you need to smile and / or get a bit of oooomph, go visit Andy Dooley.

Meanwhile back to Enjoying the Ride ... I hope you like this :) It's a little weird but I just love it when all the scared little souls get over their fears, make friends with their shadows and throw themselves into the ride!

With Much Love My Friends :)

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iFaith Premium
Which Stargate series- the movie, or the series: SG1, Atlantis or the recent one Universe? Love Sci Fi - I mean SyFy. I'm definitely enjoying the ride into outer space with aliens and such in different universes while tackling a different and real kind of space at the same time - internet space. Here's to our own IM adventures on the web-space Paula - cheers!
maureenhannan Premium
Wow! Thanks, Paula. Sorry your blog article vanished... Stunning video and music. I'm not the most visual person--I should try to incorporate more "creative visualization." And what great lenses Moonvine does. She rocks!

Oh, and I love geeks too! Long history of surrounding myself with uber-geeks, trekkies, and comic book convention attendees. :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes Paula, I like the use of pictures too, a shortcut to thought...sometimes. More, a shortcut to emotions. The Andy Dooley video was good. I agree with focusing on what is good and being addicted to feeling good. Some people are addicted to feeling bad, and they don't even know it. Andy Dooley has good teeth and I like the way he makes a star out of the "A" in Andy,