Today has been a great day

Last Update: May 19, 2010

At last I've broken the back of Squidoo and I'm happy with progress having managed to get a new lens all ready even to my satisfaction in just a few hours. I realise this is probably waaaaaaay longer than most people but now I have got my own little rinse and repeatable and I know that build time is going to shrink waaaaaay down. Joy! It's only taken forever to get there [lol].

Being one of those perfectionists nit-pickers it's not that often that I feel I'm 75 -80% on anything!

In fact I think I may just have to clock off and bask in rare satisfaction for the evening [lol] ...

Hmmm ... first I'll make a to do list for tomorrow, then I might even sleep well!

Ahhhhhh :)


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Fallulah Premium
Tnx Wiz :) ... My hint would have to be that I sat down with my copy of OWM from potpiegirl (who's stuff -a lot of which is free - is nothing short of fantastic), and I took one of the lenses that her student made, and I used that lens as a template to structure mine. This was really helpful because the one I made previously was just waaaay too long and rambly. I had to be a bit tenacious and work out how to do a few things - like Joan says the bells and whistles on squidoo can be a bit frustrating. I don't think I can point you to the lens I used because OWM is a paid product. However, I'm now just sorting out my own lens's SEO stuff according to PPG and when I'm done I'd be happy to send you the url if it's useful. It does shorten the forever process though I'm faaaaaaaaar from being an expert lol. By all means pm me if I can help in any way at all Wiz.
wizard Premium
Yes, Congrats. Any hints for your Buddies? My article was long, but it took me forever. wiz
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations Paula. I think Squidoo is harder than EZA because of putting in all the pictures and small bells and whistles.