Posts by Felio 17
July 03, 2010
Surprise 1 - My WA member ranking dropped drastically.  On Thu 1 July 2010, it was 6,973.  As of today, it is 347. Surprise 2 - My first article to EzineArticles appeared on page one of Google Search Engine when keyword ‘what is gospel magic’ is typed.  My article is on the 11th position out of about 1,390,000 results. This looks like a good start and is very encouraging.  I am still in the learning process at WA and trying to apply what I’ve learned.  The keyword
I was surprised that my first article submission was approved for publication on EzineArticles within 3 days.  The impression I have was that for newly registered member, a 7 days waiting period is required.   Anyway, I’m glad to make it the first time.  This gives me the motivation to write more articles. In one of our lesson, I was encouraged to target at least 2 articles submission per week.  I hope to achieve that. Cheers! George  
Thought of registering as Author at today.  Before I could start, a prominent message is displayed.  The message is  ” Webmail providers such as Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and MSN commonly block GoArticles email verification and update messages and are no longer accepted. To register, please use a non-webmail address. See our FAQ for more information.’ It does not occur to me that there is such condition.  I've no problem with registration. &n
Yeah!  I finally managed to register a domain name at GoDaddy, (Price paid USD 10.17/year), a blog site at Blogger, registered as author at ezinearticles,  signed up with ClickBank. After registrations, I wrote some blogs on Blogger and intend to email link to friends later.  Also, I’ve submitted my first article to ezinearticles.  There’s about  7 days waiting period for approval and a maximum of 10 articles submission for new members.  Hope my article is appro
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First things first as advised by many members in the community.  Before starting, have a pen and a book to record down what have been learned.  Manage your time wisely.  Set goals. Learn at your comfortable pace.  So, I did. I have been through lesson one to four.  I do not agree with the first lesson suggestion to earn some income by recommending WA to friends and relatives.  I think is still too early as I have not built up my credibility.  I have asked my s
Wow! Orchard Road in Singapore had turned into ‘Orchard River’ on Wed, 16 Jun 2010 in the morning heavy downpour.  The flood was due to the blockage of drainage system by debris as confirmed by our Public Utilities Board investigations the day after.  The last time it happened was about 25 years ago.  During that morning,  I was travelling round Singapore roads to do some errands.  I would have been caught in the flood and had my car stalled.  My car was travell
I have recently read a touching story in the internet about a handicapped student, name Felio Debono struggling to study in a school.  Fortunately, he has many classmates who shower him love and respect.  They  divide their time to help him.  Felio is like a shared treasure to them.   The classmates’ actions did not go unnoticed.   To cut the story short, the classmates were later awarded a Gold Medal by the President of their country for their act of kindnes
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