About Filo66
Joined December 2009
Well I think its time to introduce myself after reading a lot in the Forum and getting some friends!
My name is Filomena and all my friends call me Filo.
I was born in Germany and my parents were from Sicily/Italy and now I live in the UK for the past 12 years! All International as it does not stop there.
I am a mum of 5 and life has not been easy on me in the past!
Lets just say that I have been scared off a few times and sometimes it was financially not possible to join my Online Journey!
I have been quite busy for the past few weeks and could only join WA yesterday!
You will probably see the results of my busy schedule soon on here as I intend to be an active member in this WA University!
I have also started my blog on wordpress and opened a page on Facebook for my FREEDOM for MUMS and I intend to help as many mums possible to become financially independent!
MISS INTERNATIONAL is on the scene and is here to stay!!!
Filo66's Accomplishments

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M-skeezy Premium
Welcome to WA! Good Luck here :o)
PaintMeFancy Premium
Nice to Meet you and good luck to you.
buta2008 Premium
Hi, Welcome to WA. All the best.
filo66 Premium
Hi its so nice to be welcomed when you come to a place thats new! I am glad I joined and finding friends is always good. The tips and help you can get is really encouraging and I hope to be of some help too.
Will surely keep in touch!
music_mom30 Premium
filo66 Premium
A big welcome to you too! I am glad to find some mums here as well as I have 5 of them and maybe we can gice each other some tips as well on the parenting line! LOL
Well I am glad I joined and I am so happy to have found some friends already!
Lets get this house rocking girls! All you mums "Freedom for Mums" is on the go!!! check it out on Facebook.
Yipeeee I am so glad am here!!!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
filo66 Premium
Thanks for that! I will surely call for help if needed! I will keep checking the Forum as well and keep an eye on my WA page to make some friends here!
I will keep in touch!