Time?? where is the Time going??

Last Update: January 15, 2010

Time is something really important in Life!

Sometimes I really wonder where time is going or where has time gone??

Do you ever have the feeling that time is just passing and you have not done enough?

When I look at my children sometimes I think :

Have I missed something or is this it? How can I show my children which way to go when sometimes I can't see the way myself? Has anybody felt that way before?

I sometimes feel lost and then when I least expect it I read something on someones Page or a Message from a Friend or Buddy and it makes me so happy that it inspires me sometimes to do something useful.

I know you must be thinking what is she talking about?

What does that have to do with Time??

Well let me tell you as a mother of 5 Time with your Children is very Precious. You just don't want to miss anything in their Life and when you have to struggle with time?? Man let me tell you how stressful it can be.

I started my Online Journey in November 2009 and we are now in January 2010. Thats nearly 3 months and I have taken in so much Information in that short time that my head felt like exploding the other day! Just a little Joke.

I also tried myself with building on my website but I am not happy with it yet . There are changes to be made and I have to check all this things out how to do them properly.

Problem is the time!!!

I need some help with Time-Management!!! Has anybody out there an Idea where I can buy Time?


Little Joke on the side! 

I think Time is not to be bought anywhere! You can't get it in the Shop's and neither can you buy it Online!!!!

But I think when you organize your Time properly you will get there in the End. So again my question is where can I get a good example for Time - Management? How can I organize my Time with all the Learning and the Action to what I have learned?

Well I guess I will have to sit down properly and draft a proper Plan for all the Ideas I have come up with this far. It would be helpful if anybody could give me just a little tip and I will check if that will work for me too.

But in the meantime I will try and manage my Time so that I will be able to take as much time out to be with my Children.

Any comments are welcome!!

Got to spend some time with my Children now! So for now I have to say :


Spend your Time wise! 

Have fun with what you are doing and enjoy the Ride as no one can stop or buy TIME!

See you all next TIME!!!!





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